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Link Building in 2015

13th July, 2015

The Penguin algorithm (an update to Google search in April 2012) transformed link building and SEO. Google Penguin targeted spammy links, punishing sites looking to manipulate organic search results with poor quality links alone…


Sadly Google Penguin can’t identify every bad link or bad site on the web, big “G” is however rolling out more updates to tackle this. Google’s ability to detect spam and link manipulation is only going to get better so box clever! When it comes to SEO and backlinks Google has a dream, to wipe out any manipulative linking practices. Quality links are key, they are harder to obtain, and they are the way forward.

I have listed a few links below you may find interesting, these covering the topic of backlinks, Penguin and link building:

The Future of Backlinks in SEO
How to Find Quality Backlinks
Poor Quality Links and Penguin
What are Backlinks?

So what about link building in 2015, what kind of links should we all be looking for? Well, Google wants to see genuine links, relevant links, links that add value to the web and its users. Think an original source of content or resource, further information, people or business. You should create something of value and then get people to link or talk about it – Post comments on multiple blogs / forums / social sites referencing this content you created.

The days of link manipulation have long gone; there is no quick fix. Link building is now about marketing your business online correctly, building links for people and not web crawlers.

I hope the above info on link building has helped; please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, we’d be happy to help. Thank you for reading, your comments / feedback on this article would be much appreciated…

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