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Why is it important to comment on blogs?

8th September, 2011

Following on from last week when we asked ‘what is guest blogging‘, I thought today we would ask the question, ‘why is it important to comment on blogs?’

Ok, most of us will know about backlinks and how they can influence your organic search results with Google, Yahoo and Bing… Businesses will likely employ an SEO company or freelance SEO dude to build quality links over time, or you may even be looking to build these yourself? Whatever SEO route you go down, the power / influence of well established blogs should not be underestimated or ignored when undertaking a SEO campaign

What is guest posting on a blog?

Above is a comment I posted earlier this month on SEOmoz, a blog I love to read and extract new innovative ideas from. The post in question was all about link baiting and offered a few tips on how to build quality content, a great read if online marketing / SEO is your thing!

You will see I included a link to some of our own Tidy Design link bait, free twitter icons.

Guest posting stats

This blog comment referred an awesome 104 visitors to our free twitter icons in just 24 hours!

Blogging in Portsmouth, Hampshire

So you see, commenting on various blogs in your sector will contribute to the overall traffic a website receives… Not only do you build relationships with fellow bloggers, you also increase the number of quality (relevant) backlinks to your site, these helping boost your organic search results, AKA a spot of SEO.

Sadly, none of us can afford to stand still in business… Projecting positive thoughts to increase website traffic, boost sales or achieve top spot on Google simply wont work! SEO takes time and requires a lot of hard work and dedication… Posting comments on blogs is one of many ways you can make a difference today!

If you have any awesome SEO success stories, opinions on guest blogging, backlink building etc then please post them below… Likewise, if you are new to the World of SEO and have any questions or thoughts then please fire away, we would love to hear your ideas, experiences, questions and opinions below.

Thanks for stopping by and please visit again soon!

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