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The importance of personal projects

7th May, 2012

I believe personal projects are good for business; they increase productivity, get you thinking differently, and can help improve / develop certain skills.

The importance of personal projects

This bank holiday weekend (In between babysitting my baby boys two year old cousin) I spent some time working on one of my own personal projects, a new iPad app for kids… You can find out more about this on the Montgomery Moon blog, ABC book on the iPad.

Thinking back to when Tidy Design started out (evenings / weekends dedicated to developing this idea of a web design / SEO business) you could have called Tidy my personal project… Then, once I left the security of a 9 to 5 (back in 2007) Tidy Design quickly became 24/7, leaving no time for any personal projects or even days off! Being a start-up with no capital is bloody hard work!

Anyway, now I am older (and you could argue a little bit wiser) I do work hard to make time for family, friends and to better peruse personal projects. I don’t feel working 24/7 on one thing is sustainable (although it maybe needed from time to time), and although I still work some evenings / weekends on Tidy Design related work; this is no longer a force of habit or something I feel I have to do.

So to conclude; I feel we should all make time for personal projects and to pursue new and exciting adventures in life! Please feel free to post your comments and thoughts below…

…Wishing all an awesome bank holiday Monday!

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