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Knowing Your Website Audience

22nd November, 2012

A great website is one that provides valuable resources to its visitors, both unique and repeat! Getting to know your website audience is therefore pretty important, it is data that can be used to help grow your business.

Knowing Your Website Audience

If your company is investing in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) or PPC (Pay Per Click) then you should already be getting plenty of traffic to your site. Your next job is to turn this traffic into a loyal fan base or generate sales; a return on investment is a must for any SEO or PPC campaign.

Knowing Your Website Audience 02

The above data (taken 22nd Nov) shows Tidy Design has grown a lot in 2012, this year shows more than double the unique visitors of 2011, but did all this traffic really generate more business?? Looking at the figures I guess it did, however lets not forget those all important customer recommendations and the repeat work we get… These are also mega important factors for any business!

Anyway, over the next few weeks I will be looking to improve and develop our Tidy Design website, analysing data from 2011 and 2012, the words “call to action” ringing in my ears as I breakdown our top pages… Lots of fun ahead, wish me luck!

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