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Job Cuts and the Spending Review

20th October, 2010

Job Cuts and the Spending Review

So today is the day! The day government prepares to reveal the biggest series of cuts in the UK for decades… Yep you guessed it, the much talked about Spending Review will today be made public!

Recent news suggest nearly 500,000 public sector jobs will go by 2014-15 to help save money and pay back some of the debt our country is in! Ok, although I agree that cuts are needed today for a better tomorrow, I also worry about the impact such large job losses will have on our already fragile economy!

Sadly bankers with fat bonuses, job cuts and bad debt has dominated our news headlines in recent years, if you don’t want to feel depressed then my advice is stop watching TV!… With this being the first recession Tidy Design has had to go through I must say I am personally working much harder than ever to ensure our business does well.

I believe it will be this desire to succeed, the impact of new and growing businesses, hard working companies and keeping our heads above water that will eventually turn things around for our country. Ok, as a business owner we may get taxed more, we wont see a great deal of support or thanks, however I believe small businesses will reduce deficits, generate new jobs and ensure growth. The question is will the government start supporting us more or just taxing us more?

At Tidy Design we would like to hear what you are doing to ensure your business survives? Are you also working more hours than you should? How are you increasing brand awareness or generating new business? Please also feel free to post you’re thoughts on the Spending Review, job cuts or our Coalition Government.

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