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Happy New Year from Tidy Design

5th January, 2013

It has been a while since I worked on a Saturday! I guess parenthood and moving the business away from our home office last year has created a work-home divide. Now most evenings and weekends I tend to keep as family time, unless I really really have to work that is!

New Year in the Cotswolds

After a lovely Christmas and a New Year in the Cotswolds it is back to business for Tidy Design. As a company we were fortunate to experience a healthy level of growth in 2012. Unique visits to our website rocketed from 32,602 in 2011 to 72,037 in 2012! A lot of this traffic was down to linkbait and regular blog posts, the things we suggest to our SEO clients. Moving offices was another mementos event, this resulted in us recruiting more staff and re-investing in the business. Financially we also did pretty well, another record year with several big projects confirmed in December for 2013!

So… as I prep myself for another espresso I take time to reflect. I would like to say a big thanks to Team Tidy, our amazing clients (old and new), suppliers, Tidy Blog readers, friends and family! Without your support and belief in the Tidy brand, all this would not be possible!

Wishing you all a fantastic 2013!


Tidy News Posts

17th September, 2024

Pompey Poems Book

12th September, 2024

Pause and Reflect

23rd July, 2024

Gen 4 VPS Migration