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Happy Birthday to our Blog

3rd August, 2011

Happy Birthday to our Blog

Just a quick post to wish our Tidy Design News Blog a happy 1st Birthday!

Hard to believe it is exactly one year today that we configured Word Press, created a Tidy Design blog theme, and started to blog the nights away in an attempt to further boost / expand our organic search results!

Lets face it, most businesses today will be blogging to generate business or increase brand awareness… In todays competitive world of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) it is important to not only have a blog, but also maintain and update it to the best of your ability!

A blog that is not being updated on a regular basis, not delivering unique and valuable content to its readers, is not going to benefit your business or search results… Yes, it isn’t easy and blogging requires a certain level of discipline, but the long-term rewards are potentially awesome!

Over the past 12 months it has been great fun posting info on web design, SEO and our Tidy Design brand. We hope you have enjoyed reading our posts and taken away some value or inspiration from them?

So… Here is to another year of blogging! Our goal, to continue finding time amongst our busy schedule to publish informative and helpful articles about web and marketing stuff! Please stay tuned…

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