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Get your thinking clean to make it simple…

25th June, 2012

The last three weeks have been amazing, time away really helps me to think and reflect on life, family, client relationships, new business ideas, work etc… Anyway, now it is Monday morning and I have already spent a couple of hours mapping out the week ahead, catching up with work emails and projects, the crazy thing is it is month-end on Friday!!! *gulps!*

Ok, busy week aside, I thought I would start off the second half of 2012 and my return to 9 to 5 work with a quote by Mr Steve Jobs: “Get your thinking clean to make it simple…

Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.

I like this quote and believe keeping things simple, especially in business and design is the best way forward. When it comes to developing a brand or business idea we should all research, listen and learn from others!

Yes, all in all I am pretty excited for today, this week and the months ahead. As much as I enjoyed the cheese, red wine and exploring the south of France, it is now time to rollup my sleeves, work hard and take Tidy Design to a new level!

Thanks again to all our clients (old and new) for your continued support, we look forward to working with you throughout 2012 and beyond.

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