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Effective Communication Is Good Business!

6th December, 2012

When it comes to good business, effective and regular communication with clients, staff, suppliers and customers is pretty damn important! Last week we drafted our Christmas 2012 newsletter; today was the day we sent it out!

Newsletter Designer Southsea

Christmas Newsletter 2012

When it comes to newsletters we don’t really send out that many! One of the reasons for this is we tend to chat, meet-up and email most our clients on a regular basis, you could say this is the sign of a healthy business relationship. Also, a newsletter is a big time investment. Think about it, you need to allocate the time to plan it, research it, type it, check it, design it, get others to check it, check it over again and again! The last thing you want as a company is to send out rubbish to people; this would not look good on you!

So why do we send out newsletters? Firstly, they are a great way to keep customers updated on what is new. Also, some of the companies we manage websites for do not update their websites regularly or invest in SEO, so it is good to remind them we are here to help.

Effective communication is good business, with this in mind lets make 2013 the year we all communicate better!

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