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Can twitter boost visitors to my website and generate me new business?

11th August, 2010

Can twitter boost visitors to my website and generate me new business?

This is a question Tidy Design has been asked on a number of occasions… The tidy answer is often directed at backlinks, networking and building real-time relationships with both existing and potential clients.

Twitter works well for businesses because it can act as an opinion poll, break news faster than other media, inform clients of your status and allow you to build virtual communities / relationships! Also, the more you tweet the more search engines will have reason to re-visit and extract data from your twitter URL… With time this will result in your twitter page (twitter.com/youraccount) seeing a PR (Page Rank) and become a valuable backlink to your business website.

Another positive about twitter is it allows you to follow interesting people. From a business perceptive you could search for suppliers, monitor your competition, learn from educational groups and keep up-to-date on the latest news. If someone (or a company) regularly tweets (by this we mean posts a comment), and the information is of value then it gives others a reason to follow you. Try being helpful, talk about non-business related topics, then occasionally promote (plug) your products / services.

Think of it like this… Twitter has become one of the fastest growing online platforms used today for communication, news and conversation! With companies such as the BBC, Virgin, Google, Apple etc all tweeting away like crazy folk I ask you this… Do they know something we don’t? I strongly believe that twitter has the potential to help market and promote a business or brand; it is a site that offers free B2B (Business to Business) communication and allows users to liaise with all kinds of people.

So can twitter boost visitors to your website and generate you new business? At Tidy Design we believe it can if used correctly… Twitter has become a micro blogging phenomenon that is helping build B2B virtual relationships.

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