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Coronavirus Artwork (3)

28th March, 2020

Coronavirus Artwork, Wash Your Hands

Wash Your Hands

Hello tidy blog reader! Above is my latest Coronavirus artwork, an illustration called “Wash Your Hands”, simple but effective! It has been pretty busy here since the creation of “Consider others, COVID-19 won’t…” and “Stay Home, Avoid COVID-19“. Juggling home schooling with Tidy work, daily exercise and art is difficult. I guess we are all adjusting to new routines, these are surreal and testing times…

Daily art lessons...

Daily art lessons…

Amongst all the chaos and uncertainty, I do find calm and peace whilst drawing with my two boys. It is good to pass on skills, educate and spend quality time with our kids. Ok, I may have “what is going to happen to businesses following COVID-19?” in the back of my mind, but my focus (at the time) is on our art lesson.

Coronavirus Artwork

COVID-19 drawings

Please let me know your thoughts on above. You can find me on Instagram and twitter. Thank you for visiting, take care and keep safe!

Until next time, keep it tidy…


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