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Coronavirus Artwork (4)

30th March, 2020

Coronavirus Artwork Do It Keep Active Joe Wicks

Do It! Keep Active

My latest illustration was inspired by Mr Joe Wicks and his free morning workouts. Hats off to the guy, my kids do enjoy “PE with Joe”! Adopting new routines is difficult, especially when you liked the old ones! Truth be told; I miss Team Tidy, I miss SC Vital Fitness and my evening gym sessions, I miss meeting clients, I also miss our office space and awesome coffee machine! How long will lockdown last?? Sadly, no one knows…

Hide the biscuit tin!

During periods of isolation and uncertainty, reaching into a biscuit tin and grabbing four or five chocolate hobnobs is soooo tempting! Also, with so much negative media all around us, keeping positive is tough. With this in mind it is important to stay active and factor in some exercise. It’s good for the mind, spirit and body, health is wealth.

Following Joe’s 0900 family workout I like to bolt on 15-20 minutes of kettlebell and dumbbell exercises, time under tension. A run down Farlington Marshes is also on my radar, but finding time can be tricky when juggling home schooling with business.

Coronavirus Artwork

COVID-19 drawings

Please let me know your thoughts on above. You can find me on Instagram and twitter. Thank you for visiting, take care and keep safe!

Until next time, keep it tidy…


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