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Android App Development

28th October, 2014

I am delighted to announce that Tina The Christmas Turkey, A to Z for Kids and Montgomery Moon have all reached the Play store – This time next year we’ll be millionaires!!




As well as developing websites and brands for awesome clients, we also do a spot of app development… This month I set aside time for a few neglected personal projects – The spec; get Jordan stuck into some Android app development and make each book available on the Play store 🙂

All in all I am very happy with the end result – Both Tina The Christmas Turkey and A to Z for Kids are free apps, these promote Montgomery Moon (this one costs 69p) at the end of the book. I thought this would work well and encourage people to buy the app, time will tell.

It would be great to hear your thoughts and feedback on the above, if you have any questions (or maybe your own Android app idea) then please do give us a call or email.

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